About Me

Welcome to Food 4 Thought! My name is Benjamin “Benny” Grant and I look forward to beingYOUR private chef. Let’s take you back to where it all began… I was born and raised inWashington D.C. and developed a passion and curiosity for cooking at an early age. Aftergraduating from The Duke Ellington School of the Performing Arts in 2009, I applied and wasaccepted to attend The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY. I deferred a year to workin a top tier fine dining restaurant to see if my passion matched my willingness to work in such atough kitchen atmosphere.

Not only was I willing, I was hooked! I worked my way up theculinary ladder and met many amazing people along the way. I worked for many tough chefswho, in their own way, taught me not only how to cook, but what it takes to be a great chef at amanagerial level. It is as if I was born to work with food. It just makes sense to me. Cooking notonly allows me to express myself creatively but in turn, share my passion to those whom I amcooking for. Food is my love language. I left the restaurant industry in April of 2022 to do justthat. Make people happy through food.

Food 4 Thought represents the passion and thought thatgoes into everything I cook. Food is the one language that we all speak regardless of dialectand ultimately binds us all together. My name is Chef Benny and I look forward to being YOURprivate chef.